So. I have always been told to never pray for patience.
"Well you know, Dana, if you pray for patience, God will SURELY teach you a lesson in waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting......" You get the idea.
Waiting for what I wonder?
I'm alive now aren't I? I have Christ on my side so whom shall I fear? Right? I think I have heard that somewhere. ;)
Well, there really is nothing to fear. Death has lost it's sting, freedom in Christ is mine, and Gosh darnit, I AM ALIVE.
That is SO enough for me. I could not have said that a few months ago. And some days, its not. I try (note TRY) to choose joy and contentment.
CHOOSE joy. It is not bestowed upon me. Each day is new and a new opportunity to choose to be happy with who I am, where I am, and the countless blessings in my life.
That is not to say I don't get nervous about the future. That doesn't mean that I want to be a nun and live in a convent (not that there is anything wrong with being a nun). I simply mean that I am at peace. I am not waiting on any person, any special job, wealth, or even perfect health.
If I am constantly in a waiting pattern and looking towards the next step, the next phase....then how can I truly take in the beauty of contentment of the NOW. The present. It is not perfect but it is.....mine.
I refuse to put all of my stock in material things, humans (male and female) who inevitably disappoint (because they are HUMAN), dream jobs, and dreams of family and a white picket fence.
I put my stock in Christ. I am complete in Him and really...all things after that are beautiful added bonuses and gifts from Him.
I really have never felt so focused peace and content.
So, BOOM, BAM my peeps. I prayed for patience and now I feel content. Chicka Chicka Yeeeeeayaaaah.
And I am totally cool with patience. We are down. We are BUDS. Best buds. That is, until somebody gets in front of my car driving 20 miles under the speed limit. Not my brightest moments. But I mean, SERIOUSLY. Drive at least the minimum speed limit.
What was I saying? Oh, yes. Patience and peace. Got it. I am Cooooool as a cucumber. HA.
Thats it, folks.
And of course some pictures to share from the last little bit. Will get to more later.
I will post an update about my health and some of the progressions I have made and still some things were working on with the team of doctors to manage.
Later, my abundant living peeps,